In hash partitioning, the database maps rows to partitions based on a hashing algorithm that the database applies to the user-specified partitioning key. The destination of a row is determined by the internal hash function applied to the row by the database. The hashing algorithm is designed to evenly distributes rows across devices so that each partition contains about the same number of rows.Demnach gilt:
Hash partitioning is useful for dividing large tables to increase manageability. Instead of one large table to manage, you have several smaller pieces. The loss of a single hash partition does not affect the remaining partitions and can be recovered independently. Hash partitioning is also useful in OLTP systems with high update contention. For example, a segment is divided into several pieces, each of which is updated, instead of a single segment that experiences contention.
- die Zuordnung von Sätzen zu Partitionen wird über eine Hash Funktion gesteuert (was jetzt keine große Überraschung ist), die auf den Partition Key angewandt wird
- Hash Partitioning dient zum Aufteilen einer großen Datenmenge auf mehrere Partitionen, die besser administrierbar sind (und die Gefahr von Contention vermindern)
-- test_hash_partitioning.sql drop table test_hash_partitioned; create table test_hash_partitioned partition by hash(id) partitions &&partition_count as select rownum id from dual connect by level <= 32000; select 'select ''' || partition_name || ''' partition_name, count(*) row_count from ' || table_name || ' partition (' || partition_name || ')' part1 , case when partition_position < &partition_count then ' union all ' else ';' end part2 from user_tab_partitions where table_name = 'TEST_HASH_PARTITIONED';
PARTITIO ROW_COUNT -------- ---------- SYS_P481 7893 SYS_P482 7916 SYS_P483 8246 SYS_P484 7945
PARTITIO ROW_COUNT -------- ---------- SYS_P485 3981 SYS_P486 7916 SYS_P487 8246 SYS_P488 7945 SYS_P489 3912
-- 6 Partitionen PARTITIO ROW_COUNT -------- ---------- SYS_P510 3981 SYS_P511 3988 SYS_P512 8246 SYS_P513 7945 SYS_P514 3912 SYS_P515 3928 -- 7 Partitionen PARTITIO ROW_COUNT -------- ---------- SYS_P516 3981 SYS_P517 3988 SYS_P518 4112 SYS_P519 7945 SYS_P520 3912 SYS_P521 3928 SYS_P522 4134 -- 8 Partitionen PARTITIO ROW_COUNT -------- ---------- SYS_P523 3981 SYS_P524 3988 SYS_P525 4112 SYS_P526 3954 SYS_P527 3912 SYS_P528 3928 SYS_P529 4134 SYS_P530 3991
Fall 8 ist dann wieder gleichverteilt, was zeigt, dass Tom Kytes Aussagen in diesem Punkt auf für unverändert gelten.
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